This is Cumbria!

The Lake District, in northwest England, is located in the part of the country known as Cumbria. This area of England is home to famous authors such as Wordsworth and Beatrix Potter. And while some things you’ll find there are universal to all of Britain, there are some things that are uniquely Cumbrian!

You known you’re in Cumbria when:

1. You see views like these

2. The (two-lane) roads look like this

3. You hear words like “fell” (which means mountain) or “beck” (which means stream)

4. You have the opportunity to hike this

and see this

5. The fences look like this

6. People think you’re crazy for not bringing your “wellies” (rubber boots)

7. A couple centuries ago, you were fighting off Scottish raiders from invading these

8. Full dark doesn’t come until 10:30 p.m. in the spring/summer, and by 4:45 in the morning, it looks like this

9. You fall in love with the Lake District and its people!

Have you heard of England’s Lake District before? Does it look like a place you might like to visit?

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5 thoughts on “This is Cumbria!

  1. Hi Stacy! I love reading your blog and seeing what you are up to! I had the opportunity to visit the Lake District a few years back. I loved it!! One of the most beautiful places I have ever been. Reading your post makes me want to go back!! Amazing photos!!

  2. Rachelle – Thanks for stopping by! How cool you've been there too. It really is such a beautiful place.

    Jessica – I'm already missing it! 🙂

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